About Us

“Due to its impact both on air pollution and biodiversity and because it triggers the climate crisis, this project, which is contrary to Turkey’s policy of ceasing imported coal completely and to the fact that the establishment of domestic coal-fired projects has slowed down, must be terminated as soon as possible.”

Supporting Organisations

The #CleanAir4Adana Campaign is conducted through the cooperation of local, national and international organisations that have come together for a healthy environment. The campaign aims to form public opinion against the Hunutlu Thermal Power Plant, which is currently under construction in Yumurtalık – Adana.


The organisations supporting the campaign are as follows in alphabetical order: 

Adana Tabip Odası / Adana Ziraat Mühendisleri Odası /  Antakya Çevre Koruma Derneği / Climate Action Network – Europe / Çevre ve Tüketici Koruma Derneği – Adana / Doğa Derneği / Doğal Hayatı Koruma Vakfı / Doğu Akdeniz Çevre Platformu / Ekosfer Derneği / Erzin Çevre ve Tarihi Varlıkları Koruma Derneği
HEAL (Sağlık ve Çevre Birliği) / İskenderun Çevre Koruma Derneği / Mersin Çevre ve Doğa Derneği / Samandağ Çevre Koruma ve Turizm Derneği / Tarsus Çevre Koruma Kültür ve Sanat Merkezi / Yuva Derneği / 350.org


Clean Air For Adana

The Clean Air for Adana Campaign was launched cooperatively by local, national, and international organisations working in the fields of climate and environmental protection. For further information, please visit the “About Us” section of our website. The information and materials on the website may be disseminated. Contact us: bilgi@adanayatemizhava.org.

